Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Saraswati, 108, is a living testimony of modern India

For 107-year old Saraswathy Ramaswamy, who could speak and write in six languages with ease even now, life is nothing but a reflection of the history of modern India.

Born on January one, 1900 in Secunderabad, she had been following almost all developments of the pre- and post-independence India. Be it the fight against British imperialism or the successive Indian governments or even the recent visit by American warship 'USS Nimitz' to the city, she has kept herself abreast with almost all developments.

Saraswathy, who is quite fit and maintains a childish enthusiasm, is putting up at 'Vishranthi', a home for aged women, on the outskirts of the city at Palavakkam.

She speaks and writes six languages -- Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati and English -- with such finesse that might put even native speakers of these languages to shame. "I learnt 15 languages and I can speak and write six," she says in impeccable English marked by clarity.

An admirer of Mahatma Gandhi, she still remembers the assassination of the 'Father of the Nation'. "The scene of Gandhiji's assassination was very tragic. When I think about it, even now, I can't eat," she adds.

At a time when the nation is likely to get a woman President, she says, "Our country would have progressed very well if all women were like Indira Gandhi."

Saraswathi, who is a big fan of the late Prime Minister, adds that every time she saw her picture, she salutes her.

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