Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Blood is thicker than water: Woman traces father after 23 years of separation

A woman living in Saudi Arabia, who was separated from her Indian family as a young girl due to poverty, is set to be reunited with her father after 23 years.

Naseema, 31, who now leads an affluent life as the wife of a business consultant, traced her speech-impaired father Mohammed Ibrahim, who works as a cleaner in a hotel, through a detective agency.

She was separated from her family in 1984 at the age of eight and could not even remember the place of her birth. Yet she was unable to overcome the haunting memories of her father, who used to roll beedis day and night to support the family and carry her to school on his shoulders, Naseema told reporters in Chennai over phone from Saudi Arabia.

"Not a day has passed without me shedding tears thinking about my father. Though he is speech-impaired, he expressed his love and affection for us through his deeds," she said.

Born the third daughter in a poor Muslim family in Kancheepuram, Naseema lost her mother during her birth and was brought up by her paternal grandmother. Unable to support the children, her granny got the eldest sister married off while employing the younger ones at two different households as maids.

"I still remember the haunted look in my father's eyes when my granny took me away from our house," Naseema said.

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