Friday, July 20, 2007

It is sweet, and half a kilometre long, and it tastes yummy. What could it be?

A half-kilometre long sweet pastry is making its way into entering the Limca Book of Records. The 523.5 metre long cake-delight was baked in Nagpur by a chef and his student team.

Mumbai witnessed the challenging task of baking what could become the longest pastry in India under the watchful eye of representatives of the Limca Book of Records.

The "delicious" effort according to pastry maker Chef Sunil Sakharkar could take an individual eating normally over 13 years to consume in toto, but took just 60 minutes to bake. The pastry weighing 315.84 kgs could also be the heaviest the country has ever made, Sunil said.

The eggless pineapple pastry measured 2 inches in height and 1.5 inches in width. It was topped with 70 kgs of rich whip topping. A team of 35 students of Government Institute of Hotel Management, under the supervision of Sakharkar, achieved this immense task.

Meticulous planning and supervision was needed to make the pastry in under 60 minutes, while the event, held recently, was coordinated by Chef Cherag Roointon from Rich Kwality Pvt Ltd."The two-tier pastry was topped with dairy free topping to keep it stable," Roointon said.

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