Sunday, July 22, 2007


When doctor Mehreen Zabin went into the operation theatre she did not know that she would help give birth to a child who would test the weighing scale of the hospital.

Habib Ali, now two days old, was born on Saturday weighing six kg, which doctors say, is 3 kg more than the weight of a normal new born child.

"It is very unusual for a child to be born weighing 6 kg. We were shocked and worried about the health of the baby and the mother. But now both are stable," said Dr Zabin.

The staff of Chippa welfare general hospital also put the weighing scale in the maternity ward under test when weighing the bulky toddler. "It is an amazing case in my career and also for the mother who has given birth to six children already", the surgeon said.

She said the child's health is under observation even though all paramaters were normal.

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