Friday, July 20, 2007

Children take the initiative, stop child marriage in Bangladesh

A minor girl was rescued from being married off at a remote village in southwestern Satkhira as over a hundred school children took to the streets in protest.

Several hundred students of Ghona School submitted a memorandum seeking intervention of the local officials.

The official summoned the girl's father and asked him to call off her wedding to a 25-year-old youth from Paikgachha in Khulna.

He also signed a bond promising not arrange any such child marriage in the future, the Daily Star newspaper reported.

Moni Mala earlier told her friends at school that her father was planning to marry her off, but she could not dare to go against her father's decision.

Her friends then tried to talk her father to scrap the wedding plan, but he did not pay heed to their request.

Despite growing camping, child marriage still remained to be a major social curse particularly in rural areas in Bangladesh where the current population is estimated to be over 140 million in 143,998 square kilometer area.

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