Friday, August 24, 2007

Internet keeps the Chinese awake for longer hours in the night: Survey

Chinese people go to sleep later than they did a decade ago, but their total sleep time remains the same, according to a survey. A survey on 2,000 people of all ages and different fields shows people, especially from the age group of 25 to 45, tend to sleep 40 minutes later than 10 years ago, a research by the Leisure Economy Research Center of Renmin University said.

The survey listed 24-hour television, overtime work, increasing demand for education, and in particular, the spread of Internet as reasons for going late to bed. However, the total sleeping time remains the same at an average daily eight hours and 41 minutes and one hour longer on days off.

The widespread use of household appliances has reduced the burden of housework, allowing more time for rest. Meanwhile, more people begin working at 9:00 am, one hour later than 10 years ago, which enables people to maintain their sleep time, the survey said.

Professor Wang Qiyan of Renmin University, who has studied sleep for more than 20 years, said, "Good sleeping habits and reasonable sleeping period are beneficial to health and work efficiency. "If late-sleepers regularise their sleeping period and ensure six to seven hours every day, their health will not be affected," he said.

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